
Clients about us


We used your transport service for the first time after seeing good reports online. Very efficient, and smart driver with a very clean vehicle. We want to say a big thank you for excellent service and we would definitely recommend to friends and family and use your service again. You are the best, keep it going that way.

Marco Battaglia, Sicily

I didn’t know about Naw Tranport before until a friend suggested their name because of her amazing experience with them. Therefore, I couldn’t do without calling them. Being a teacher I needed to bring my class for an excursion in Rabat. The drivers were very accommodating and they gave us a lot of tips on what to visit in Rabat and Mdina thanks to their experience as been working for the company for a long time. We are satisfied with the service because they drove the children safely to the destination.

Laura Mancini, Torino

I have a very good experience with the service. We ordered minibus for 10 people (two families) to Marsaxlokk to visit the fish market. The drive was very friendly and took us comfortably to the location. Apart from that he recommended us to go to Birgu to see the feast and it was an amazing experience. I can highly recommend!

Ejnar Stroustrup, Denmark

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